Run command example

When an end‑user presents a card to a reader, with Read‑a‑Card set up in this way, it can trigger a document to open, named with your reader ID, or run a batch file based on the presented card information.

Example Word docx launching with Card ID name

Steps to set this up in Read‑a‑Card:

  1. Card Type tab - change the default from Select icon All Cards, if you only want Read-a-Card to react to certain card types.

  2. Reader Type tab - change the default from Select icon All supported PC/SC Contactless Card Readers only if you want to restrict the readers to use.

  3. Action tab - choose Select icon Run command and identify the file that should be opened, together with any card information to be passed at this time. This file name can include the Run command insert codes shown below. A file name of c:\Read-a-Card\%i.docx will open a Word document, named with your reader ID.

  4. Format tab - control how data should be read from the card.

Run command insert codes

%n card ID

%t card type

%i reader ID

%r reader name

%c facility code

%u card number

%f iClass format

%s timestamp

%x card unique ID

Example file names using these insert codes:

c:\Read-a-Card\%i.docx will allow you to open a series of new Word files. Each named as originating from the reader ID of the presented card.

c:\Read-a-Card\example.bat %n %t %i %f will allow you to run a batch file expecting the parameters card ID, card type, reader ID and iClass format.